Every so often the Ice Goblins visit the fjordlands of the Pacific Northwest and desperado ice climbers in Squamish get a little taste of the goodies.  The early weeks of the month graced us with an arctic outflow that served up a sweet four day window of ice climbing at the Pet Wall, Smoke Bluffs and in Shannon Falls Park.  Joined by Squamish senders Ben "Butters" Hardan and Tony "Touch" Richardson we ferreted out a new mixed pitch just above and right of the classic Gobsmacking Wall.  Thin WI4 and delicate goulottes characterized the climbing which finished up a passage of chimneying behind a huge detatched flake.  The route name "Icy Nuts" WI4 M6 sums up the protection and the fun we had on this gift of a day at Shanon Falls Provincial Park. Thanks to Tony for his artistique photography! [caption id="attachment_1410" align="alignleft" width="584" caption=" Ice climbing in the rainforest"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1395" align="alignleft" width="584" caption="Butters havin' it!"][/caption]